,שלום רב
בשל ההנחיות הנוכחיות של משרד הבריאות אשר אוסרות על קיום כנסים ואי הוודאות המתמשכת הצפויה כתוצאה מהמגיפה, אנו נאלצים לדחות את הכנס באופן טנטטיבי לנובמבר 2021
,בריאות איתנה לכולם
הועדה המארגנת
The 36th Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering will be held in the D. Dan and Betty Kahn Mechanical Engineering building at the Technion, and highlight recent trends related to the Mechanical Engineering in the Miniaturization Era.
The Conference will be a 2-day interdisciplinary event that aims to inspire and stimulate innovation from basic discoveries in mechanical engineering areas to translational research and applications from both the industry and the academic arenas.
Conference sessions will include topics from the classical disciplines composing Mechanical Engineering such as energy and fuels, mechanics, design and manufacturing, robotics, CAD, and interdisciplinary research areas such as micro- and nano-systems, biomechanics, etc.
We look forward to welcoming you to Technion and to exciting and stimulating presentations and discussions about the future of our profession.